Little Brownie is a 5 lb., Chihuahua mix stray, estimated to be about 10 years old. We don't know much about him except what his foster reports after having him for just a few days. For one, he loves his humans. He is sweet and affectionate. Also, as a picture above shows, he loves doggies. He is especially close to another foster, Cookie, whom he met just 4 days ago. We would be so excited if they got adopted together (see Cookie, also on our Available Dogs page) but they did not come to us together so we don't feel the need to keep them together. It's just a fantasy. As for housebreaking--not yet. His current foster is using belly bands with him. She is not home enough to housebreak him. We are currently looking for a different foster because the one who has him now is already fostering one of our dogs and just kindly took Brownie in as an emergency dog. She already has one of our dogs. If Brownie is not housebroken by the time of his adoption, we will be happy to coach any adopter through the process. His bloodwork results were unremarkable--which is what you always want. He is currently not neutered, but the procedure is scheduled for 10-6-23, which we would honor even if he was adopted before then.