Our sweet soft-haired, 12-year-old Shih Tzu Ellie has seen a very rough last few months. She wants to finally find that forever lap to rest her tired little head. She hasn't even had time to grieve her mom, because she's been bounced around so much--and not to very nice places or with very nice people. Along with her brother, Barney, she spent months living alone in their mom's house while people decided what to do with them. People would pop in to put down more food and clean up their "accidents"--how do you have accidents when there's no one to take you out. During this time, her potty training got sloppy, but has not disappeared. With her foster, she is getting back on a potty schedule and finding her way back to being fully housebroken like she was when her mom was alive. Personality-wise, she's a sweet, spirited girl who still has a lot of pep in her step. Small as she is, she can still leap onto the sofa, especially if there's a warm body there to meet her.