Gerti is a sweet little girl who will soon be leaving her home of 13 years. As sometimes happens in families, a newborn has hijacked parents' availability to give Gerti enough attention. Plus, as she becomes more senior, her larger, younger canine siblings have taken to picking on her. All little Gerti is able to offer in a return is a growl. The change will be a tough one for Gerti, who is used to stability, routine, and human and canine family members. She can be kind of nervous in new situations and will take a little while to warm up, but she does get there. She has had two separate hip surgeries. One of these was prior to her current parents getting her and the other when she was much younger and ran through a door at the same time as the family's other dog. Gerti's health is good, despite being in the very early stages of kidney issues. (If only all dogs were lucky enough to have their kidney issues discovered as early in the process as Gerti's were.) She is on a special diet which keeps her kidneys healthy. Gerti's best home is one where she can get enough attention. She doesn't have to be the only pet in the home. She just needs to be in a household where she gets loving care.