Luna is a Miniature Poodle. With the help of our vet, she is estimated to be about 10 years old. She was a stray but her owner was tracked down. He, however, said he couldn't keep her. Her physical condition was terrible, especially the severe knots of hair all over her body. She had to be sedated to have her matting removed. A mass was also found under all that hair. Her teeth were in terrible shape too. All three of these problems were tackled while she was sedated. Although the vet believes the mass is a benign fatty tumor that most senior dogs get, we played it conservative and had it removed. We are also having it tested. The fact that she got flying colors on her blood test results also makes us suspect that the mass is not a concern. But we will report back on that. Luna is a happy, happy dog! She has a good appetite. And she has had no accidents in the house. We figured if she wasn't housebroken, she would have smelled like urine with all the matting. But she didn't. She is currently living in a foster home where there is a dog. She has no problem getting along with the dog.