Our beloved Pup, an 11-year-old Scottish Terrier mix, hails from the home of an elderly person with whom she has lived for all his life. She came to us as an emergency because immediately following her diagnosis, her elderly owner was unable to administer her twice-daily insulin injections. We had to pick her up immediately so she would not suffer from lack of insulin treatment. Although, she was a well cared for dog, Pup had a lonely life spent in a crate by herself in an upstairs bedroom. Her only interactions were to be let out to toilet, to receive her meals, and to visit with grandchildren when they came over. Despite limited interactions with humans and dogs, Pup is a lover. She adores children and wants to cuddle. She's a playful senior who enjoys the company of other dogs and chasing a ball. She's also obedient in addition to being sweet and easy going. While her diabetes becomes stabilized, Pup good potty habits have been affected. We believe and hope that this will improve once her diabetes managed. In the meantime, her foster is familiarizing her with the pee-pad housebreaking method.